CURL integration
Argentum programs can interact with web servers: The httpClient module features:
programming language
programming language
Argentum programs can interact with web servers: The httpClient module features:
Argentum got SQLite integration: Build & run: It prints (depending on the actual content of the database): This code: Other supported features not shown in this demo: Limitations:
Argentum standard library has three hash maps: Map, SharedMap, WeakMap. Most of design details of Maps are similar to Arrays: These maps are unordered key-value containers, where: Internally they are implemented as flat, open addressed, 2n grow, linear probe, robin…
Argentum has no built-in Arrays Other languages have built-in arrays (and some even have built-in maps), but these built-in data structures quickly become insufficient. So the parallel containers from the standard libraries emerge. They quickly surpass and replace the built-in…
Argentum Objects got two methods: getHash and equals. They look much like Java, but there are multiple nuances. Hash-codes Comparisons String literals