It's time to make Argentum programs work on:
- desktop
- mobile
- and web
To do so it needs a graphical user interface library:
- portable
- fast
- simple
- and independent from host platforms (and screen sizes).
But this GUI library itself needs a foundation:
- an integration layer to the operating system, windows, input events and application lifecycle
- a canvas to draw on, with full set of modern features and a full GPU support.
So meet an experimental "GuiPlatform
" module:
- It uses SDL to interact with operating system. It handles:
- application lifecycle
- window, focus
- input events from keyboard, touch screen, mouse,
- and other aspects, which gives Argentum applications maximum possible level of portability:
- so far I'm testing it on Windows,
- in the future it'll support Linux, MacOS, IOS, Android, WASM in browsers and multiple other platforms, such as game consoles; all the needed code is already there, so all we need to do is to check and maybe fix couple of lines of code.
- It uses OpenGL to interact with GPU, which gives good balance of utilization of hardware and good portability (unfortunately Vulkan is not supported everywhere yet).
- It uses SKIA as a canvas library, thus giving us the full set of 2D drawing APIs existing in Chrome-based web browsers, Android OS and multiple other modern application frameworks and platforms.
using sys { Blob, log }
using guiPlatform { Canvas, Paint, Rect, Font, Image }
using string;
class MyApp {
+guiPlatform_App {
onStart() {
font.fromName("Arial Bold");
img.fromBlob(Blob.{ _.loadFile("sd.png") : log("Img sd.png not loaded") });
onPaint(c Canvas) {
phase += 1s;
p = Paint;
(x + dx) -> (_ < 0f || _ > w ? dx *= -1f : x := _);
(y + dy) -> (_ < 0f || _ > h ? dy *= -1f : y := _);
c.drawRect(Rect.setXYWH(x-50f, y-50f, 100f, 100f), p.color(0xff_ff0000s));
forRangeFStep(0f, 700f, 4f)`i {
p.color(0xff_008800s | (short(i) + phase));
c.drawLine( i, 0f, 0f, 700f - i, p);
c.drawLine(w - i, 0f, w, 700f - i, p);
c.drawLine( i, h, 0f, h - 700f + i, p);
c.drawLine(w - i, h, w, h - 700f + i, p);
c.drawSimpleText((w - 48f) / 2f, (h - 16f) / 2f, "Hello", font, 16f, p.color(0xff_004400s));
c.drawImage((w - 108f) / 2f, (h - 100f) / 2f - 100f, img);
onKey(pressed bool, key short, shifts short) {
log("key{pressed?"down":"up"}-{key}-{shifts} ");
pressed && key == 20s ? sys_setMainObject(?MyApp)
phase = 0s;
x = 100f;
y = 100f;
dx = 1f;
dy = 1f;
font = Font;
img = Image;
}"Hello AG", 120) // Start GUI app with windows title and given FPS
So far this example is tested on Windows using Argentum built from sources on experimental branch gui_platform
Next steps:
- Launch on Linux, Android and other platforms
- Extend Window API to introduce named constants for key codes, shifts etc.
- Extend Canvas API to support more Skia drawing.
- Develop a GUI framework with:
- focus handling
- controls
- animations
- layouts
- accessibility